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Server Konfiguration Client Loader

The Client Loader is configured with yml files.

An editor can be opened with the start menu shortcut "SCCM Manager Client Setup" or with the parameter "-Setup".



Parameter Explanation
Application Title The Title of the Application
Server The SCCM Manager server
Server Path Path to the SCCM Manager ""
Server Enable SSL True: Download via HTTPs
Client Executable Execution file of the client (SCCMManager.exe)
Client Config File File name of the client configuration file
Client Zip File Name of the der client zip file to be downloaded
Error Screen Timeout Seconds Display duration of error messages
Explicit Language Two-letter ISO language if the system language is to be ignored
BasePath Subdirectory for the directory structure under %LOCALAPPDATA%
Max Backups Maximum number of backups


Parameter Explanation
Server The SCCM Manager server
Installation Path  Installation path of the SCCM Manager
Client Directory Directory in which the client is located. Relative to the Installation Path
Client Download Directory  Directory in which the that is downloaded from the server is located. Relative to the Installation Path
IISApplication Path Path of the Web-Service
Client Config Filename Name of the client config file



Parameter Explanation
Version String Version of the client. Is set automatically when the "Client Zip File" is created. 
Force Update Date Defines the date on which the latest version is downloaded, regardless of which version the client currently has. Is set by "Force Update"
Maintenace Mode True: Maintenace Mode, during which the SCCM Manager cannot be used
Maintenace Text Info text that is displayed at startup in maintenace mode
Info Text Info text that is displayed at startup
Splash Screen Time Seconds Maximum display duration of the splash screen (0 = no timeout)