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Client Loader


The Client Loader is used to automatically deploy and update the client component. The client component is only present on the server and is downloaded by the client as soon as an update has been made available and a user requests it by starting the SCCM Manager client. Thus, it is no longer possible to accidentally use an old client version and a manual installation is no longer necessary.


To configure the Client Loader, the "SccmManagerLoader" application must be started from the command prompt with the "-setup" parameter.

The command prompt must be started as administrator.

The application is located at {SCCM Manager installationpath}\ClientLoader\.




Parameter Explanation
Application Title Title of the application
Server The SCCM server address
Server Path URL to the client update file
Server Enable SSL Activated: Download via HTTPs
Client Executable Start file of the client component (SCCMManager.exe)
Client Config File File name of the client configuration file
Client Zip File Name of the client update file
Error Screen Timeout Seconds Display duration of error messages
Explicit Language Two-Letter-ISO language, if the system language should be ignored
Application Data Sub Folder Subdirectory for the directory structure under %LOCALAPPDATA%.
Max Backups Maximum number of backups


Parameter Erklärung
Version String Client version
Force Update Date Sets the date when the latest version is downloaded, no matter what version the client currently has
Maintenace Mode Enable/Disable Maintenace Mode
Maintenace Text Info text that is displayed at startup in maintenace mode
Info Text Info text that is displayed at startup
Splash Screen Time Seconds Maximum display duration of the splash screen (0 = no timeout)


Parameter Erklärung
Server The SCCM server address
Installation Path Installation path of the SCCM Manager
Client Directory Directory where the client is located. Relative to the installation path
Client Download Directory Directory in which the is located that is downloaded from the server. Relative to the installation path
IISApplication Path Path to the web service
Client Config Filename Name of the Client Config
Client Setup


Parameter Erklärung
Client Setup File Client update file selection
Server Server name of the SCCM Manager installation
Installation Path Path to the SCCM Manager installation
Client Directory Directory name of the client installation. Relative to the installation path
Client Download Directory Directory in which the is located that is downloaded from the server. Relative to the installation path
IIS Virtual Path Path to the web service
Pre Tasks Download directory is created. If a temp directory already exists it will be deleted and recreated
Update Client File Backup of the old client files in the client installation directory. The selected client setup file is unzipped and the contents are copied to the client directory. The selected client setup file is copied to the download directory as a zip file.
Update ClientConfig.yml Updating the ClientConfig.yml in the download directory
Add MIME Type text/yaml (yml) If not present the MIME type text/yaml is added
Post tasks Temp directories are deleted