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General Overview

Each component and plugin can be configured individually. A number of configuration tools are available for this purpose. The following is an overview of the various configuration files, their meaning and the supplied tools with which these files can be conveniently edited.

Depending on which function is to be executed, different parameters are required. For each function there is a start menu link per basic installation, so that no manual input of the parameters is necessary.

The client interface and all plugins are configured in the client administration mode. The respective plugin configurations can be found in the Plugins section.

The tools are located at {installation path}\Tools

The directories specified refer to the installation directory of the server components
(Default: %ProgramFiles(x86)%\smcTeam\SCCM Manager\)

For more information you can click on the link to the respective tool.

Component Configuration file Description Configuration tool
SCCM Manager Client \Resources\Configuration\AppConfig.xml Client configuration App Config Editor
Replacement Strings \Resources\Configuration\ReplacementStrings.xml Configuration of the application-wide replacement variables
SCCM Web Service \web.config Server configuration Web Config Editor
SCCM Web Service
Computer search
\Resources\SecurityConfiguration\UserPermissions.xml Configuration of the SQL query for the computer search mask in the SCCM Manager Client ComputerSearchQuery
SCCM Web Service
\Resources\SecurityConfiguration\Credentials.xml Configuration of admin credentials for clients within one or more domains to which, for example, no trust exists. Administrative user accounts are stored here. Credentials
SCCM Web Service
\Resources\SecurityConfiguration\UserPermissions.xml Scope security configuration based on mappings of AD groups to computer collections in SCCM. User Permission Configurator
SCCM Web Service

Computer Datasheet Plugin Database table [ApplicationVariables] see Computer Datasheet Editor or Computer Datasheet Plugin Computer Datasheet Editor
Custom Inventory Plugin
Client Creator Plugin
Reset Computer Plugin
Database table [ApplicationVariables] see Custom Inventory Plugin / Client Creator Plugin / Reset Computer Plugin Dynamic Gui Editor
Language translations Database table [LanguageAssignment] Language translations can be edited or added here. The translations refer to the entire interface incl. plugins. Language Assignment Editor Plugin
License \SCCMManager.lic
License Manager
Password encryption \Tools\PasswordEncryptor\PasswordEncryptor.exe

Tool for encrypting passwords. Such passwords are expected in all configuration files.
Example: see Credentials


Password Encryptor
Update-Tool \Tools\ActionPanelUpdater\ActionPanelUpdater.exe

This tool has different functions. The following start links are created for this purpose: Update Client Version Updates the version number of the SCCM Manager clients in the database. After an update of the client this function should be executed once. Update Plugins Updates the version numbers of the plugins in the database. After a plugin update or when a new plugin has been added, this function should be executed once. Update Required Files Updates the "\Web\SCCMWebService\Resources\RequiredFiles" directory and updates the database (see  Download & Execute)


Action Panel Updater