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Client - Function groups

Function groups are category elements to which functions / actions are subordinated. Any number of function groups can be created. Each group can be assigned an AD group.


Meaning Functions
navigate_down2.png  navigate_up2.png move to the top / bottom move current function group to the very top / bottom
navigate_down.png  navigate_up.png move up / down Move current function group up / down
delete2_16_thumb_600_0.png Delete Delete current function group
dictionary.png Create language translation Create translation for the entered name
link.png  link_delete.png Lock or equate titles Causes the title to be set equal to the name
Property Meaning

Enables / disables current action


Context Menu Group

Causes the group to be displayed as a context menu entry within the computer search (in the normal mode of the SCCM Manager, this group is then no longer displayed in the left pane.


Name Display name
Titel Title name
Image Display image
Group membership

User group that may have access to this action; if the field is left blank, anyone who has access to the parent Function Group can access the action.