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Custom Logs

With this it is possible to view, open or download any client log file.


This plug-in is based on the SCCM logging plug-in and accordingly has the same function.

Configuration - Plugin-integration
  • Assembly: CustomLogsPlugin
  • Name: Log Files (is translated)
  • Icon: clientlog.png
  • Argument: {COMPUTERNAME}\C$\Logs

  • SelectedComputer: SingleWithPing

The respective log directory is specified via the configuration entry Argument.

Configuration - Global
  • MinAutoRefresh: Min. time in seconds for automatic refresh. (Default: 10)
  • MaxAutoRefresh: Max. Time in seconds for automatic refresh. (Default: 90)
  • DefaultInfoBarHeight: default height for the detail display at the bottom of the screen. (Default: 150)

  • MaxLogLines: Max. Number of lines to be read in. (Default: 2000)