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Client Creator Service

The Client Creator Service is automatically installed during the SCCM Manager installation. The service processes the queue entries of the Client Creator plug-in, this process can be extended with plug-ins depending on the requirements.


Under {SCCM Manager Installation Path}\Services\Client Creator Queue\AppConfig some basic settings of the service can be configured.

Normally, this file does not need to be configured, since all configurations are made during installation.

Parameter Explanation
Web Service URL Web Service URL The URL to the SCCM Manager web service.
Web Service Use Credentials Here you can change the user context used to access the web service. By default set to 'False', the computer context (Local System) is used. If needed, this user context can be changed. For more information, see "Using your own credentials".
Configuration Instance Selected configuration instance in SCCM Manager.
Log File The path of the log file.
Logging Level

Logging level for the log file. Three values are possible here:

1: Errors only

2: Errors and warnings

3: All

Event Logging Level Logging level for the Windows event viewer. Three values are possible. (see LoggingLevel).
Use your own credentials

If a user context other than the computer context (Local System) is to be used when connecting to the SCCM Manager web service, a different user can be stored.

To do this, the "Webservice use credentials" parameter must first be set to "True" in the configuration file (under {SCCM Manager Installation Path}\Services\Client Creator Queue\AppConfig) of the Client Creator Service.

Then you need to specify the credentials to be used for the user context.

For this purpose, the "ClientCreatorService" application is started via the command prompt with the "-setcredentials" parameter.

The application is located under {SCCM Manager Installationspfad}\Services\Client Creator Queue\}.
