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SCCM Logging

With this it is possible to view, open or download any SCCM client log file.


The plug-in displays all log files from the respective client log directory. It is additionally possible to display CMTrace-compatible (SCCM log files) from other directories of a client (see sample configuration).

Configuration - Plugin-integration
  • Assembly: SCCMLoggingPlugin
  • Name: SCCM_LOGGING (is translated)
  • Icon: clientlog.png
  • SelectedComputer: SingleWithPing
Supported functions (Function):
  • SET_PATH: If this function is used, a path to any log directory can be specified via parameter. Prerequisite is that the directory contains CMTrace compatible log files.
Configuration - Global
  • MinAutoRefresh: Min. Time in seconds for automatic refresh. (Default: 90) (Standard: 10)
  • MaxAutoRefresh: Max. Time in seconds for automatic refresh. (Default: 90)
  • DefaultInfoBarHeight: Default height for the detail display at the bottom of the screen. (Default: 150)
  • MaxLogLines: Max. Number of lines to be read in. (Default: 500)
Example configuration

In this example, the client log files are read from the \\{COMPUTERNAME}\C$\Windows\ccmsetup\Logs directory. Note that access to this network path is invoked in the permission context of the web service. Thus, the respective calling user does not need permission to this directory.
