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Client - Computer search

Most of the plugins do not work until a computer object is selected, which means that at least one computer object must be added, by "drag and drop", from the "Find Computer" area to the target computer area. Alternatively, computer objects can be dragged and dropped directly onto a plugin.

  • search computer
  • Show/hide columns
  • Ping & Export
  • Filter
  • Grouping
  • Select computer
Search computers

The search field can be used to search for computer names or any other values within the table. If the search field remains empty, all computers available for selection are displayed (restricted by AD permissions). A full text search, in this search field, allows to search for partial values (see picture).


Show/hide columns


Right-click on the column headers to show/hide columns. This way, only the columns that are needed by the user are displayed.


Ping & Export


For a quick overview of which computers are on or which are not accessible, a right-click on a single computer or a group of computers is sufficient. In the context menu that opens, a ping can be executed on one or more computers. The result of this ping is displayed in the Ping column.


In addition, the current view can be exported, via the context menu, into four different formats.



The filter function offers further options for narrowing down the computer search. The funnel icon next to the column name opens the filter menu. Filter options can be selected via this menu (e.g. "Is equal to", "Starts with", "Contains" and many more). In addition, a second filter option can be linked by logical operators.



In addition, columns can be grouped for a better overview. For this purpose, the desired column header is dragged and dropped onto the line above. Thus, all computers are grouped according to a common property from the column concerned and displayed collectively. It is possible to group according to several column headers at the same time.


Select computer

In order to work with the selected computers, they must be dragged into the "Selected computers" target computer list. This works via "drag and drop" by dragging the selected computers to the upper left corner with the left mouse button pressed. One or more computers can be dragged into the target computer area at the same time. These computer objects are then automatically selected. Now there is the possibility to start a plugin, which requires one or more computers. In retrospect, individual computer objects can now also be deselected again.
