This chapter describes the configuration settings for packages.
To change the values for the deployment flags, package flags, program Flags, and remote client flags, it is necessary to create at least one reference package using the Configuration Manager from which these values can be read.
Specifies whether the package should be provided as mandatory or available.
Collection Names
The naming conventions used for collection names.
Collection Refresh Schedules
The refresh schedules for collections.
Deployment Flags
Select the deployment flags from a reference package.
Deployment Names
The naming conventions for deployment names.
Deployment Option
Specifies the deployment option that should be pre-selected for applications by default. Possible values are:
- One install deployment, one uninstall deployment (default)
- Two install deployments, one uninstall deployment
- One install deployment, no uninstall deployment
- Two install deployments, no uninstall deployment
- No deployments, package only
Distribution Point Group
The distribution point group to use for the package.
The startup folders for the packages and the collections are specified here:
Folder Paths
The path information for packages and collections by naming conventions. The individual elements of a path must be separated by a backslash (\), as in the file system as well.
Use Repair Option
Specifies whether the creation of packages should also use the repair option.
Transfer Preselect Package Source Folder
Is no longer used.
Package Properties
Package Description
The description of the package. This can contain the placeholder {state}, which is replaced at run time with the current state.
Package Flags
The flags of the package.
Package Name
The package name by naming conventions.
Program Flags
The flags of the program.
Program Names
The names for the different program types. These must be unique.
Remote Client Flags
The flags of the remote client.