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Windows Updates

To detect Windows updates the internal Windows Updates API (WUAPI) will be used. All Windows updates and their history will be displayed.



First, select the inventory class Windows Updates in the area of System Information on the left side.

The following table describes the individual controls of the main menu and their functions.

By double-clicking an entry the details are displayed:


By double-clicking an history entry the details are also displayed:


Switching inventory classes on and off, as well as customizing the name space and the WMI class, is described in the chapter configuration.

The following table describes the properties of the inventory class Windows Updates.

Classification String

The classification
Description String

The description
DownloadSize String

The download size
EulaAccepted Boolean

Indicates if the EULA is accepted.
Id String

The ID
Impact String

The impact
IsAuthorized Boolean

Indicates if the update is authorized.

IsDownloaded Boolean

Indicates if the update is downloaded.

IsHidden Boolean

Indicates if it is a hidden update.

IsInstalled Boolean

Indicates if the update is installed.

IsMandatory Boolean

Indicates if the update is mandatory.

IsPresent Boolean

Indicates if the update is present.

IsUninstallable Boolean

Indicates if the update can be uninstalled.

KBArticleIDs String

The IDs of the knowledge base articles
Languages String

A comma-separated list of languages
MaxDownloadSize String

The maximum download size
MinDownloadSize String

The minimum download size
MoreInfoUrls String

The URLs for further information
Product String

The product name
Published DateTime

The date of publication
RebootRequired Boolean

Indicates if a reboot is required.
RecommendedCpuSpeedMHz SInt32

The recommended CPU speed in MHz
RecommendedHardDiskSpaceMB SInt32

The recommended hard disk space in MB
RecommendedMemoryMB SInt32

he recommended RAM size in MB
ReleaseNotes String

The release notes
RevisionNumber SInt32

The revision number
SecurityBulletinIDs String

The security bulletin ID
Severity String

The severity
SupersededUpdateIDs String

The superseded update IDs
SupportUrl String

The support URL
Title String

The titel
Type String

The type

Windows Updates History

Die folgende Tabelle beschreibt die Eigenschaften der Inventurklasse Windows Updates History.

ClientApplicationID String

Die Bezeichnung der Client-Anwendung, die das Update verarbeitet hat.
Date DateTime

Das Datum der Historie
Description String

Die Beschreibung
Id String

Die ID
Result SInt32

Das Ergebnis als Integer
ResultCode String

Das Ergebnis als Text
ServerSelection String

Definiert den Serverdienst, der von Windows Update verwendet wurde.
Title String

Der Titel