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Software ID Tags

A software license management system uses different methods to detect software products such as Programs and Features (ARP). It also evaluates data from executable files (*.exe) and class libraries (*.dll). However, with this data it is not always possible to uniquely identify a software.

Some manufacturers creates additional files, so-called software ID tags (*.swidtag). These XML documents are subject to a specific schema and contain additional information about the product. A good example for this is Adobe Acrobat DC.



  First, select the inventory class Software ID Tags in the area of System Information on the left side.

The following table describes the individual controls of the main menu and their functions.

Switching inventory classes on and off, as well as customizing the name space and the WMI class, is described in the chapter configuration.

First, select the inventory class Software ID Tags. To see results, the Scan for software ID Tags button must be clicked.

The Settings Button opens the configuration settings.

The Software ID tags table often contains many empty columns. You can use the Hide Empty Columns button to toggle these columns on and off.

With the Buttons Save or Save All, the results of the selected class or the results of all inventory classes can be stored in the WMI repository.

Switching inventory classes on and off, as well as customizing the name space and the WMI class, is described in the chapter Configuration.

By double-clicking an entry the details are displayed:


The following table describes the properties of the inventory class Software ID Tags.

Die folgende Tabelle beschreibt die Eigenschaften der Inventurklasse Software ID Tags.

Note: The column Array of the following table has a different meaning in this case. If activated (✅), the original array was replaced with a string containing all values of the array. These values are separated from each other by a separator in the corresponding column, e.g.: Value1|Value2|Value3. The separator is freely configurable

abstract_array String
data_source String

entitlement_required_indicator Boolean

FileName String

Guid String
installation_details_installation_instance String

installation_details_installation_locale_array String
installation_details_installation_target_id String

installation_details_location_installation String

installation_details_location_platform String

keywords_array String
license_linkage_activation_status_array String
license_linkage_channel_name String

license_linkage_channel_type_array String
license_linkage_customer_type_array String
packager_by String

packager_part String

product_category_class_title String

product_category_code UInt64

product_category_commodity_title String

product_category_family_title String

product_category_segment_title String

product_category_unspsc_ver String

product_family String

product_title String

product_version_build UInt32

product_version_major UInt32

product_version_minor UInt32

product_version_name String

product_version_review UInt32

release_date DateTime

release_id String

release_package_by String

release_package_release_date DateTime

release_package_sign_off String

release_rollout_by String

release_rollout_release_date DateTime

release_rollout_sign_off String

release_verification_by String

release_verification_release_date DateTime

release_verification_sign_off String

serial_number String

sku String

software_creator_name String

software_creator_regid String

software_id_tag_creator_regid String

software_id_unique_id String

software_licensor_name String

software_licensor_regid String

supported_languages_array String
tag_creator_copyright String

tag_creator_name String

tag_creator_regid String

validation_last_validated_by String

validation_last_validated_date DateTime

validation_last_validated_result String

validation_validation_call String