PC-SysInfo (english)
PC-SysInfo provides system information that other solutions do not, or partially offer. This tool is the result of projects and customer requirements of the last years. It is constantly being developed.
Explanation: Green Annotation: New feature Yellow Annotation: Note Red Annotation: Bug fixed ...
Inventory Classes
PC-SysInfo provides the following inventory classes both visually and in WMI:
The inventory class System provides information about the system, the operating system, the Intel...
Network Adapter
The Inventory class Network Adapter provides information about all network adapters. In addition,...
Informationen about connected monitors are read from the registry according to the Extended Displ...
SQL Server
This inventory class displays information about the different SQL server instances. It detects SQ...
Windows Updates
To detect Windows updates the internal Windows Updates API (WUAPI) will be used. All Windows upda...
Software ID Tags
A software license management system uses different methods to detect software products such as P...
Local Group Memberships
This inventory class reads out the members of local groups. A filter can be applied to see only t...
Mobile Broadband Interface
This inventory class reads out a mobile broadband interface. In addition, data from a SIM card is...
Disk Health Status
This inventory class can be used to determine the status of hard drives (HDDs or SSDs) to respond...
Registry Data
With this inventory class, values can be read from the registry and stored within WMI. ...
XML Data
With this inventory class, values can be read from any XML file and stored within WMI. ...
PC-SysInfo provides the following inventory classes both visually and in WMI: System Requirement...
PC-SysInfo supports a lot of configuration settings. The Button Settings opens an editor to defi...
Command Line Version
PC-SysInfo offers a command line version (A valid license is required) which can be used in Syste...
PC-SysInfo can be downloaded and installed using the Setup Control Panel. The free edition of PC...