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Informationen about connected monitors are read from the registry according to the Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) structure. For a better readability, these values are usefully summarized. When saving, the individual values are retained.



First, select the inventory class Monitor in the area of System Information on the left side. All reported values will be displayed.

The following table describes the individual controls of the main menu and their functions.

Switching inventory classes on and off, as well as customizing the name space and the WMI class, is described in the chapter configuration.

The following table describes the properties of the inventory class Monitor.

Active Boolean

Indicates if the monitor is active
ActiveOffSupported Boolean

Indicates if active off is supported
AspectRatio String

The aspect ratio
DeviceID String

The device ID
DisplayGama Real64

The display Gamma
DisplayType String

The display Type
EDIDRevision SInt32

The EDID revision
EDIDVersion SInt32

The EDID version
EstablishedTimings String

The established timings
Gamma Real64

The Gamma
HorizontalActivePixels SInt32

The number of horizontal pixels
HorizontalRate String

The horizontal rate in kHz
Manufacturer String

The manufacturer. This name is taken from a configurable list based on the manufacturer ID, see also Configuration.
ManufacturerID String

The Manufacturer ID
MaxHorizontalImageSizecm SInt32

The maximum horizontal image size in cm
MaximumHorizontalRatekHz SInt32

The maximum horizontal rate in Hz
MaximumVerticalRateHz SInt32

The maximum vertical rate in Hz
MaxVerticalImageSizecm SInt32

The maximum vertical image size in cm
MinimumHorizontalRatekHz SInt32

The minimum horizontal rate in Hz
MinimumVerticalRateHz SInt32

The minimum vertical rate in Hz
Model String

The monitor model
MonitorID String

The monitor ID
MonitorSerialNumber String

The monitor serial number
MonitorSize String

The size of the monitor
ProductID String

The product ID
Resolution String

The resolution
ScreenSizeInch SInt32

The screen size in Inch
SerialNumber String

The serial number
StandbySupported Boolean

Indicates if standby is supported.
SuspendSupported Boolean

Indicates if suspend is supported.
VersionAndRevision String

The version and revision
VerticalActivePixels SInt32

The number of vertical pixels
VerticalRate String

The vertical rate in Hz
WeekOfManufacture SInt32

The week of manufacture
WeekYearOfManufacture String

The week and year of manufacture
YearOfManufacture SInt32

The year of manufacture