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Mobile Broadband Interface

This inventory class reads out a mobile broadband interface. In addition, data from a SIM card is also collected when it is plugged in and unlocked. Internally PC-SysInfo uses the Microsoft Broadband API.



First, select the inventory class Mobile Broadband Interface in the area of System Information on the left side.

The following table describes the individual controls of the main menu and their functions.

Switching inventory classes on and off, as well as customizing the name space and the WMI class, is described in the chapter configuration.

The following table describes the properties of the inventory class Mobile Broadband Interface.

ConnectionState String

The description of the connection state.
InterfaceID String
The ID of the mobile broadband interface.
InterfaceName String

The Name of the mobile broadband interface.
MbnConnectionState SInt32

The connection state can have the following values:

0 The connection state is unknown.
1 The connection has been established.
2 The device is establishing the connection.
3 There is no connection.
4 The device is in the process of disconnection.
MbnReadyState SInt32

The ready state can have the following values:

0 The mobile broadband device stack is turned off.
1 The card and stack is powered up and ready to be used for mobile broadband operations.
2 The SIM is not inserted.
3 The SIM is invalid (PIN Unblock Key retrials have exceeded the limit).
4 General device failure.
5 The subscription is not activated.
6 The device is locked by a PIN or password which is preventing the device from initializing and registering onto the network.
7 The device is blocked by a PIN or password which is preventing the device from initializing and registering onto the network.
MbnRegisterState SInt32

The register state can have the following values:

0 The device registration state is unknown. This state may be set upon failure of registration mode change requests.
1 The device is not registered and not searching for a provider.
2 The device is not registered and is searching for a provider.
3 The device is on a home provider.
4 The device is on a roaming partner.
5 The device is on a roaming partner.
6 The device was denied registration. Emergency voice calls may be made. This applies to voice and not data.
Network String

The network. This can be D1, D2, E-Plus etc. Valid values will only be displayed if the provider list also contains valid values.
ProviderID String

The ID of the provider.
ProviderName String

The name of the provider.
ReadyState String

The description of the ready state.
RegisterState String

The description of the register state.
SignalStrength SInt32

The signal strength in percent.
SIMNumber String

The number of the SIM card.
SubscriperID String

For GSM device this represents the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMSI) string (up to 15 digits). For CDMA device this represents the Mobile Identification Number (MIN) string or the International Roaming MIN (IRM) string (10 digits).
TelephoneNumbers String
The telephone numbers as array.
TelephoneNumbersToString String

A string of comma-separated telephone numbers.