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Network Adapter

The Inventory class Network Adapter provides information about all network adapters. In addition, the LAN/WLAN network type is also detected.



First, select the inventory class Network Adapter in the area of System Information on the left side. All reported values will be displayed.

The following table describes the individual controls of the main menu and their functions.

Switching inventory classes on and off, as well as customizing the name space and the WMI class, is described in the chapter configuration.

The following table describes the properties of the inventory class Network Adapter.

Active Boolean

Indicates if the adapter is active.
AdapterType String

The adapter type
AdapterTypeID UInt16

The adapter type IDThe adapter type ID
DeviceID UInt32

The device ID
GUID String

IPAddresses String

An array of IP addresses
IPAddressesToString String

The IP addresses as string
IPEnabled Boolean

Indicates if IP is active.
MACAddress String

The MAC address
Manufacturer String

The manufacturer
Name String

The name
NetworkType String

The network type (LAN or WLAN)
NetworkTypeToString String

The network type (LAN or WLAN)
SubnetMasks String

An array of subnet masks
SubnetMasksToString String

The subnet masks as string