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Transfer of content via .tp1 file

When transferring objects to a target MECM site via a teleporter(.tp1) file, the source path must be configured.

If the source site cannot be reached when importing using a .tp1 file, the package sources must be transferred manually. The Copy Content option cannot be used here.

The source path of the content to be imported can be viewed in the summary.


In this example, the metadata of an application is to be transferred from the "devsccm02" environment to the "allsccmpri01" environment using a .tp1 file.

When importing using tp1 files, the source path is not preconfigured.

The source path of the imported application can be viewed in the summary.

If the path is marked in red, this means that the source configuration for the object is invalid. In this example, the source path cannot be resolved.


Path Value
Complete source path:


Intended target path:


The path shows that the application is located in the directory "\CMLib\Software\\x64". In this example, the folder structure is to be adopted from "\Software" in the target path under "\Applications".

The source and target are configured as follows:


Path Value





Source is configured with "\Software".

This causes everything above and including "\Software" to be 'discarded'.

Everything below the directory "\Software" is appended to the configured target path.

From -> \\devsccm01\CMLib\Software\\64x

Becomes -> \\devsccm01\CMLib\Software\\64x

The remaining part "\\64x" is then attached to the configured target.

From -> \\allsccmpr01\CMLib_test\Applications\

becomes -> \\allsccmpr01\CMLib_test\Applications\\64x

If the source site cannot be reached when importing using a .tp1 file, the package sources must be transferred manually. The Copy Content option cannot be used here.

The new configuration creates the application under "\\DEVSCCM01.DEVSMC.DE\CMLib\Applications\\x64".


The summary shows that this path can be resolved.