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Command line version

The execution of the SCCM Teleporter command line version and the execution of the GUI application are done via the file SCCMTeleporter.exe. This is located in the installation root directory.

To start as command line version the file SCCMTeleporter.exe must be executed with specification of a command line parameter, if this specification is missing the GUI application is executed.

The control is done via an XML file that contains the actions to be executed. The instruction file can be generated dynamically as required, the file path of the XML instruction file must be specified as a command line parameter.

The following command line parameter specifications are valid:

  • SCCMTeleporter.exe \\myShare\action.xml (UNC Path)
  • SCCMTeleporter.exe Instructions\import.xml (relative Path)
  • SCCMTeleporter.exe e:\Instructions\export.xml (absolute Path)

Import and/or export statements can be defined, the transfer of SCCM objects consists of an export statement (specifying the source SCCM site) and an import statement (specifying the target SCCM site).

Required import or export settings, as well as SCCM teleporter filters for object selection, can be generated dynamically as well as created and reused via the graphical user interface.

Construction of the XML statement file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
	<Action Value="Export"> <!-- Eine zu tätigende Aktion. Export entspricht allen Aktion die im SCCM Teleporter auf der linken Seite ausgeführt werden könnenn, Import der rechten Seite -->
		<Name>Export Action</Name><!-- frei definierbarer Name um getätigte Aktionen im Logfile nachvollziehen zu können -->
		<SiteServer>site01.local</SiteServer><!-- Quell-SCCM-Server, Autentifizierung erfolgt per Windows Authentication -->
		<FilterFile>\\share\export.xml</FilterFile><!-- Hierüber erfolgt die Auswahl der SCCM-Objekte, Filter-Dateien können auch über die GUI im SCCM-Objekte laden Dialog erstellt werden -->
		<DataFile>e:\temp\transfer.tp1</DataFile><!-- Ziel der exportierten SCCM-Objekte, entpricht der Funktion speichern im Dateisystem -->
	<Action Value="Import">
		<Name>Import Action</Name>
Exit Codes

The following table describes the possible exit codes and their meaning:

Exit Code     Description

Instructions successfully processed
0 All <Action></Action> instructions were processed successfully

Not all <Action></Action> instructions were processed successfully


Error Behavior setting is set to the value Continue.

instructions were not processed successfully
1 Error, detailed information is available in the log file.
3 No language pack available