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To run the setup, the following system requirements must be met:

System requirements
  • Microsoft® Windows 10 or higher
  • Microsoft® Windows Server 2012 or higher
  • Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.8 or higher
  • Local permissions, to run this setup
Silent installation

The SCCM Teleporter setup supports a silent installation. In this case no output will be output will be generated on the screen. The installation is to be started as follows: Setup.exe -silent

Importing a license

There are two possibilities for importing a license:

  1. The license file(*.lic) is located in the folder where the setup files are also located. In this case, the license is installed during the installation process.
  2. The license file(*.lic) is subsequently copied by hand into the installation folder of the SCCM Teleporter, which was specified during setup. For the license file to be read, the SCCM Teleporter may have to be restarted.
Procedure of the manual setup

The manual installation is largely self-explanatory. After executing the Setup.exe following procedure takes place:






