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Azure Service Connector requires a valid license at runtime. For a trial license write us a short message to test the product for 30 days.

License information

Information about the currently used license can be found on the About page.


A new license can also be imported here.

Importing a license

There are up to three possibilities for importing a license:

  1. Via the web interface of the application using the About menu item.

license-1b.pngAfter opening the upload dialog, an already existing license file can either be added directly via drag and drop, or a file selection dialog can be opened via the Select File button


If a valid Azure Service Connector license is detected when uploading the file, the corresponding license information is displayed. The license is imported via the OK button. An existing license is deleted in the process.


    2.The license file (*.lic) is located in the same folder as the setup files, in which case the license is installed during the     
       installation process.

    3.The license file (*.lic) is subsequently copied manually to the installation folder of Azure Service Connector that        
       was specified during setup. The Application Pool must be restarted for the license file to be read.