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The Azure Service Connector can be operated in hybrid environments as well as in pure Azure environments.

The selected architecture and the associated implementation as a web application offer the greatest possible flexibility for current and future fields of application.

The Azure Service Connector supports the following execution methods:

  • IIS Application
  • Stand-alone (Kestrel)
  • Azure App Service

The operation is always carried out via a uniform web interface.

Authorization can be done (depending on the implementation) either against the Actice Directory or the Azure Active Directory.

In details, the following objects are components of a successful execution.

Components with a blue background can only be created within an Azure infrastructure, all other components can be integrated independently as part of an on-prem or Azure infrastructure.

azure-active-directory.png microsoft-graph-api.png aad-app-registration.png key-vault.png
azure-service-connector.png web-frontend.png microsoft-sql-server.png

Hybrid infrasrture

Within a hybrid infrastructure, the Azure Service Connector can be integrated as follows:



Azure infrastructure

Likewise, the Azure Service Connector can be used as part of a cloud service solution.
