Client - Configuration
The global configuration file for the client component can be configured via the "App Config Editor" start menu shortcut.
{Installation path}\Resources\Configuration\AppConfig.xml
Setting | Type | Default value | Description |
ApplicationTitle | String | SCCM Manager | Here you can change the display name in the window title. |
SCCMeServiceTimeoutSeconds | Integer | 60 | Time in seconds until a timeout to the web service is detected. |
EnableMaintenanceMode | Bool | False | Activates the maintenance mode. |
LogFile | String | SCCMManager.log | File name for the log file. |
MaxLogfileSize | Integer | 4096000 | Maximum size of the log file (in bytes) until a new file is created. |
LoggingLevel | Integer | 3 | Logging level for the log file. Three values are possible here. 1: Only errors 2: Errors and warnings 3: All |
EventLogginglevel | Integer | 1 | Logging level for the Windows event viewer. Three values are possible. (see LoggingLevel) |
StatusBarInfoForeground | String | Green | Text color of the status display for an information. |
StatusBarWarningForeground | String | DarkOrange | Text color of the status display in case of a warning. |
StatusBarErrorForeground | String | Red | Text color of the status display in case of an error. |
MaxPingThreads | Integer | 30 | Maximum number of parallel pings. |
AdminGroup | String | Has no default value | AD group for delegation of administrative permission within SCCM Manager. |
IsPrimary | Boolean | False | Defines whether the server is used for primary administration (see Installation of multiple S |
MinimumClientVersion | String | 3.x.x.x | Defines the minimum client version with which execution of the application is still allowed (without update) |
CurrentClientVersion | String | 3.x.x.x | Defines the current client version. If a user uses a different version, a hint is automatically displayed to him |