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Client - Konfiguration

The global configuration file for the client component can be configured via the "App Config Editor" start menu shortcut.

{Installation path}\Resources\Configuration\AppConfig.xml

Setting Type Default value Description
ApplicationTitle String SCCM Manager Here you can change the display name in the window title.
SCCMeServiceTimeoutSeconds Integer 60 Time in seconds until a timeout to the web service is detected.
EnableMaintenanceMode Bool False Activates the maintenance mode.
LogFile String SCCMManager.log File name for the log file.
MaxLogfileSize Integer 4096000 Maximum size of the log file (in bytes) until a new file is created.
LoggingLevel Integer 3 Logging level for the log file. Three values are possible here.
1: Only errors
2: Errors and warnings
3: All
EventLogginglevel Integer 1 Logging level for the Windows event viewer. Three values are possible. (see LoggingLevel)
StatusBarInfoForeground String Green Text color of the status display for an information.
StatusBarWarningForeground String DarkOrange Text color of the status display in case of a warning.
StatusBarErrorForeground String Red Text color of the status display in case of an error.
MaxPingThreads Integer 30 Maximum number of parallel pings.
AdminGroup String Has no default value AD group for delegation of administrative permission within SCCM Manager.
IsPrimary Boolean False Defines whether the server is used for primary administration
(see Installation of multiple S
MinimumClientVersion String 3.x.x.x Defines the minimum client version with which execution of the application is still allowed (without update)
CurrentClientVersion String 3.x.x.x Defines the current client version. If a user uses a different version, a hint is automatically displayed to him