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App Registration

The prerequisite for accessing the Microsoft Graph API is an Azure application.

Creating the application is also a prerequisite for running the setup.

The following values are required to run the Azure Service Connector setup:

  • Application ID
  • Tenant ID
  • Client Secret


The following steps describe how to perform the App Registration and generate the Client Secret.

Performing App Registration in Azure

Further information

  1. The first step is to register a new app.


  2. For this, a name must be assigned, for example Azure Service Connector, and the creation must be confirmed with OK.


Add API permissions

Further information

  1. The following permissions are required to access the Microsoft Graph API:

    • User Read All
    • Group Read All
    • Directory Read All
    • Organization Read All

    On the API Permissions page the required permissions are added.


  2. In the next dialog, select Microsoft Graph from the Microsoft APIs tab.


  3. The access should be in the context of the Azure Service Connector App.

  4. User permissions: Read All


  5. Group permissions: Read All


  6. Directory permissions: Read All


  7. Organization permissions: Read All


  8. Device Management Configuration: Read All


  9. Device Management Managed Devices: Read All


  10. Device Management Service Config: Read All


Generate Client Secret

Additional Information

A client secret is sensitive security information.

The Client Secret is only visible in plain text when it is created, so a copy should be created for further configuration.

  1. To create a client secret, select Add Certificate or secret in the Azure Service Connector App Overview under the Client Credentials item.


  2. In the Client secret tab, a new client secret can be generated at any time.

  3. A validity period must be specified during creation and a description can be added.

    If several different instances/installations are used to access the Microsoft Graph API, it is recommended to use a separate client secret for each instance/installation.


  4. The Client Secret is only visible in clear text when it is created, so a copy should be created for further configuration.